At least that's what my history teacher told me, I think he was encouraging me to acquire at least a smattering of the subject. But more of that anon..

I have been continuing unpacking. We moved here about six years ago and all my figures got put out of boxes, but actually sorting out much of what I have has never happened. So the projects that I was halfway through in Bucks have never really taken off up in Wales. So at present I am not too concerned about what I am doing, just as long as I finally get some progress on these armies.
Last month I got a few kilos of 20mm
ACW lead organised and a nice batch of painting done. However a visit to hospital intervened and while I spent 36 hours on the ward waiting for an operation that was finally cancelled I had the opportunity for a nice quiet read. No domestic emergencies, no telephone, no wife wanting to chat...perfect! So I managed to read the whole of Anthony
Beevor's revised book on the Spanish Civil War; 'The Battle for Spain'.
I enjoyed the book very much, though if you are not familiar with
FIA and the rest ; or if you don't know your Miguel
Primo de Rivero from your Jose
Primo de Rivero then don't expect it to be a light read. It is probably the must have book on the subject but to be honest for the needs of the
wargamer his earlier paperback is cheaper more accessible and has just as much military information.

My Spanish Civil War collection began back at
Partizan in 1997 when Dave Ryan had the just republished uniform book by Jose
Bueno on his stand. Coincidentally (or not) Irregular had just released a nice 20mm range of figures and I had not made a tank for years.So I bought ' a few, just for a skirmish'. Ha!
I might have managed, but a few weeks later at the Reading show I spotted a large Spanish flag draped across a stand, and underneath Rolfe Hedges had
Banderas Miniatures. Wonderful character filled figures in every pose and type you could
possibility imagine. I was lost. From then on an annual trek was made, in November, to his stand to stock up on
Requetes or
By and large the
Bueno book was first class, though he was a little light on the Republican side, probably because he had no interest in what he saw as a bunch of Communist, Godless, murdering, bastards. Superb on the army of Africa though. One thing that caused me pause was the colour of the uniform of the native troops described as Lentil colour. Now in England a lentil is small and salmon pink but not always so abroad where they eat green and even purple lentils, so I am told.

However being a good Brit I plumped for a nice pinkish hue as figure right (above). Returning last week to the book I noticed that the original Spanish word is Garbanzo which through useless knowledge I know to be a chickpea. Now we are talking, a chickpea is a sandy yellow no doubt about it. So
my current unit is being painted as the centre figure.

And the final figure on the left; he is wearing a native coat modelled on a
Moroccan blanket that my wife brought back from holiday thirty years ago.
Finally, for those of you who enjoyed the garden photos. A supremely useless piece of knowledge that stuck in my mind was that after the Great Fire of London, Rocket grew so profusely on the derelict ground that it became known as London Lettuce. I have always enjoyed Rocket but never had any success growing it so this year I just scattered it over a bed that had all the last years bonfire ash dug into it. The plants are huge and it has cropped all summer.
Stand by for more top gardening tips coming soon.