In the best tradition I now bring you a soothing interlude while the votes are counted and our team of pundits synthesise your comments.

This week I have been painting Renegade ECW. After the avaunt gard heresies that we have been wrestling with it was rather calming to go back to a nice bit of highlighting and washing. In truth I was mainly motivated by the price when I bought these figures. However like many modern figures they paint up very easily and come to life in a most pleasing manner. They are destined for Charles Gerrard's regiment of foot in my slowly forming English Civil War armies. I had originally intended to finish these in time for the 350th anniversaries
But who wants to let artificial deadlines spoil their hobby?
I really like the "back side" of the figure that you show in the first photo. Very nicely done, sir. And, yes, these do come across with character.
-- Jeff
Splendid work John.
Hello John
Im most pleased to have found your blog after reading your comments re old school painting, humbrols revenge on the yahoo group.
a. I can correctly attribute you on my blog
b. I get to see what your up to, virtually speaking
I was very interested to read your posts regarding going gallic as I have given something along those lines some thought on many occasions. Although I prefer to use Turner and the use of light (why go gallic when you have such a wonderful example of your own). :-)
Pleased to have caught up with your blog.
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